Work for a London Based leading Software company

Brussel Lake Paragon is a tech consulting firm. We work with many software companies in providing them with dedicated tech resources. If you have the talent and want to add your expertise to our team, fill out the application form and we will get back to you.

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As seen in

Care of Employees

We’re a company regiment who care for employees and brings out the best in one another. Our growth is streamlining with synergic efforts to attain uncommon goals and deliver exceptional results.

Employee priority

Employees are our real asset and support system and we go the extra mile to meet their requirements and make them feel comfortable.

Healthy environment

We talk to the employee, strengthen team spirit, and reduce employee absenteeism through a healthy environment.

Flexible work time

We don’t stress our employees. We take care of their personal rhythm and foster productivity. Flexibility is a plus here.

Paid over time

We pay extra for overtime that builds the trust of employee and boost their morale to give extra efforts exceeding their productivity level.

Provide medical package

We take care of employee’s wellness with various screening plans to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a medical package.

If you need to contact us urgently

Please call us at 0330-057-7931